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SBI Mulls Working on Sundays to Improve Efficiency  - Views and Counter Views

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Rajesh Goyal 




We are starting this new column as we have found that bankers have few avenues to express their views.   We intend to start a new page whenever some news or views come up discussions which directly affect the bankers.    The views expressed here will help the union leaders to know the pulse of the bankers and if message reaches the management they may also like to change their views.  Today's topic is "SBI Mulling Working on Sundays to Improve Efficiency".   In case you have not read this news, please CLICK HERE.


Personally speaking  I am not in favour of this move.    However, I have always been in favour of few branches being opened on Sundays but only in big cities.    There is no need for opening all or majority of  branches on Sundays / Saturdays as world wide banks are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.   This system has worked very well across the world.   Thus, we should also have five days week with lots of ATMs.    However, each Bank may keep one branch open on Saturdays and Sundays in State capitals only.      




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Similarly for bigger metro cities (like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai), small banks may keep one branch open for urgent day to day transactions, whereas big banks like SBI, PNB, BoB may keep five to six branches opened on Saturdays and Sundays in such cities.    In such branches only deposit and withdrawal of cash facility should be available.    With CBS system in place, they should cater to urgent needs of the customers across the city.    Banks may also charge additional nominal transaction fee for transactions on such days as to discourage unnecessary crowding of branches on holidays.   I still remember the days when in Delhi, branches were having staggered holidays.   There used to be total chaos on Sundays in the residential colony branches, whereas on other days the footfall was far less.


We hope bankers will come forward and express their views  in the discussions column provided below.    Do you support SBI chairman for this move ? PLEASE GIVE ONLY PRECISE AND RELEVANT COMMENTS.




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