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Bank PO Exam - June 2012 ( Bank Probationary officers Recruitment - IBPS - CWE 2012 -  Common Written Exam - Bank PO June 2012 )



There is a good news for all those who were waiting for the notification by IBPS for the CWE - Bank PO Exam for 2012.  IBPS has now issued the advertisement for holding 2nd IBPS CWE - Bank PO Exam for the eligible candidates.  We give below the brief details of the same.  In case you wish to download the full notifcation / advertisement, we are giving a link at the end of this page.


What is IBPS - CWE PO Exam :

In mid 2011, it was finalised that instead of separate exams by different banks for recruitment to the posts of Bank PO and Bank clerks, there will be a single exam.  Accordingly, Institute of Banking Personel Selection (commonly known as IBPS ) framed the detailed guidelines for conducting such tests.  First such exams for the posts of PO / MT was held in September, 2011.  IBPS now will be conducting Common Written Exam (popularly known as CWE ) twice a year.  


What is the Scheme of IBPS CWE 2012 :-

In the first week of March, 2012, IBPS has released the notification / advertisement for holding Common Written Exam in June 2012 for recruitment for the posts of Bank POs.   Under this system, the candidates meeting the minimum eligibility criteria as per notification of the IBPS will be able to apply for the Common Written Exam to be conducted on the notified date.   Based on the performance of the candidates in this exam, the candidates who are able to score the minimum prescribed marks in each of the paper will be declared passed and such candidates  will be issued score cards.


There are total 19 Public Sector banks which have given a mandate to IBPS to conduct the CWE on their behalf and these banks will recruit Probationary Officers on the basis of such score received in the CWE.   However, each bank will announce its own eligibility criteria like (Educational Qualifications, Age Limit, Qualifying Exam Marks etc) and call candidates based on the merit.   Thus merely satisfying the IBPS Eligibility criteria and being declared as successful in the IBPS PO Common Written Exam 2012 doesn't guarantee that you will be eligible for Jobs in participating banks.   However, it is to be remembered that passing CWE will be must for applying to the posts of PO.   There are likely to be some private banks and other financial institutions who will use the Score Card of IBPS for recruitment to the posts of officers.


Some Important Dates for Bank PO - IBPS - CWE 2012 Exam


Starting Date for Online Registration 9th March, 2012
Online Payment of Application Fees 9th March to 30th March, 2012 (both days inclusive)
Offline Payment of Application Fees 12th March to 7th April 2012 (both dates inclusive)
Last Date for Online Registration 30th March,2012
Last Date for Editing  application details (prior to submission of online application 1st April, 2012
Download of Call letter for written examination After 4th June, 2012
Tentative Date of Written Examination 17th June, 2012


Eligibility Criteria (As on 01.01.2012) for Bank PO - CWE June 2012  :

Age Limit: Min : 20 years and Max: 30 years (Relaxation in upper age for number of categories is available.  Details are given in the advertisement).
Educational Qualifications: A degree in any discipline from a recognised university or any equivalent qualifcation recognised as such by the Central Government.


Details of the Written Test  for  Bank PO -  IBPS  Exam June 2012 :

(1) Objective Paper: The Objective Paper will consist of   (a) Test of Reasoning; (b) Quantitative Aptitude, (c) English language, (d)General Awareness  and (e) Computer Knowledge. The Duration of Objective paper is 150 minutes and had a total marks 125 marks.   Total questions for all the papers will be 250 (50 questions for each subject).

(2) Descriptive Paper: This is basically a Test of English Language and questions in this sections are  to be comprised of -  Essay, Precise , Letter Writing etc). This paper will be of 1 hour and has a weight-age of 25 marks only.

Thus total written test carry maximum marks of 250 (225 marks for objective test + 25 marks for descriptive paper)

Application Fees: Candidates will have to pay an application fee of Rs 450/-.  However, candidates belonging to SC / ST / PWD are required to pay only Rs50/-.


Online Registration for IBPS PO Recruitment 2012

Candidates who wish to take the Common Written Exam for Bank PO June 2012  needs to submit their Online Applications.  They should first go to and click on the Home page to open the link "Common Written Examination" and then click on the option "CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR CWE-PROBATIONARY OFFICER / MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (IBPS-CWE-PO/MT-II) JUNE 2012 to open up the Online Application Form. 

They also needs to follow other instructions as given in the advertisement .

Some Important Points :